Photography Classes & Workshops

A Tale To Tell offers a variety of photography classes and workshops. A typical class runs about 2-3 hours, and is taught at our home in Fulshear, TX.

Below are descriptions of several of our popular classes. Of course, we can always customize a class to meet your needs. We also offer discounts for groups of 3 or more.

If you are interested in taking one of these classes, or want more information, click the LEARN MORE button and we will get back to you soon.




When we teach our Photography 101 class we always ask "So, why are you interested in taking this class?"  The number one response is "I want to take better pictures of my kids."

The truth is, most people buy nice cameras not because they intend on becoming professional photographers, but because they want to take professional looking pictures of their families. Unfortunately, the majority of these people set their cameras to Auto and assume that somehow just having nice cameras will make their pictures better.

This class is not for those who are looking to start a photography business, learn advanced photography skills, or learn about post-processing. Simply put, it's for Moms who just want to get the most from their cameras in order to take great photos of their kids, without being intimidated by a bunch of technical stuff.

The course is 4 hours (but not all in a row!). The first 3 hours are spent learning about frightening words such as aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and exposure. But don't worry, we teach it in easy to understand language. We also teach how to capture a photo of your soccer player without it being all blurry, and how to take a portrait of your kids with that awesome blurred background, and what makes certain lenses better than others (and which one is best for you).  The fourth hour is spent with you actually photographing your kid(s). It is scheduled separately from the 3-hour class, at the local park, where we will assist you in practicing what you've learned in a real, practical environment. 

Register with a friend and you both save 10%. So grab your BFF and learn how to take amazing photos of your family. We'll supply the wine!


A Tale To Tell Photography 101


Did you finally get that new camera and want to learn how to use it? Do you break out your "big camera" for special events, but only shoot on AUTO?

This 3-hour class is geared to those who want to learn how to use their camera. We start the class with an understanding of how your camera and lenses work. From there we move on to an understanding of photography basics, such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. Don't be alarmed. We teach in easy to understand terms, and you will have an opportunity to practice what we teach.  There are hands-on exercises for you to practice and understand what you have learned.

By the end of the class you will have a good understanding of your camera and it's settings. If we've done our job correctly, you will never shoot on AUTO again!


A Tale To Tell Photography Classes


Photography 102 picks up where Photography 101 left off. We meet at the local park and use shutter speed and aperture to create different images from the same scene. Using aperture we practice bokeh and compensating for variations in light.

By the end of this 1-hour workshop you will understand the relationship between shutter speed and aperture and how one affects the other. You will also understand how changing either one can have a dramatic effect on your images.

We can also structure the workshop to be held at a venue of your choosing based on the specific activity you'd like to shoot.




High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a technique used by many photographers. While the image on this page looks "cartooney", HDR can also be used to create very professional looking images.

In this 2-hour workshop you will learn the settings necessary to take the appropriate number of images for an HDR picture. We will then spend the remainder of the workshop using the software to transform your images into an amazing photograph.

Photography 101 or an understanding of your camera is required.



A TAle To Tell Lightroom Classes


This 2-hour Lightroom class teaches you the basics of Lightroom and some of the fundamentals of editing. 

First you will learn how to import and organize your photos. This is a critical step if you ever want to go back a year later and find a particular image.

Next we will teach you to edit your images. This will include cropping, making adjustments to exposure, tint, contrast, shadows, highlights, whites, and blacks. You will also learn the basics of removing unwanted objects from your images.  When you leave this class you will have an understanding of how to import your images, edit them, and export them with or without a watermark.

Having Lightroom software is not necessary. If you do have it, you can follow along with our instruction.


Our last workshop was held in Marfa, TX.. We will be scheduling another soon. Contact us if you are interested.


If you're reading this there's a good chance you've seen incredible Milky Way pictures and have often wondered how to photograph them yourself. Or maybe you have an idea how to do it but just haven't found the time or the right location. Either way, this 2-night, 3-day class will teach you everything you need to know to photograph and edit the Milky Way. Click here for details.

$699/person (includes 2 nights lodging, Photography 101 class (with an emphasis on the Milky Way), Lightroom 101 class (also with an emphsis on the Milky Way), and 2 nights of photographing the Milky Way)